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lead photographer


Wife to an amazing man (who makes the world's best grilled pizza!), mom to three wild and sweet kids--one with special needs (Heart moms, lemme hear ya!), crazy dog lady (we have FIVE), audio book addict, lover of Jesus, coffee, whiskey, wine, and ALL things chocolate. I'm a self-taught photographer driven by the desire to make memories last for myself and my clients. Because we all know how it goes--those special moments pass, our children grow WAY too fast, the big day is over before we know it.  And if you're like me, you're left with just a cloudy memory, wishing you could go back there just one more time.  So my home is flooded with the things that remind me of the moments I want to hold on to forever--books from my childhood, the lantern from my wedding, my orchids from my last several Mother's Day gifts.  And pictures.  LOTS of pictures! Capturing that little smile or sweet kiss on camera means that I'll never lose that moment.  If you feel the same, let's talk! I think I can help.



associate photographer


I am the mother of two girly-girls and the wife to my best friend Sean. I went to Anderson University for Mass Communication, specializing in Broadcast Production. My goals with video production were always to tell a compelling story – through the words people speak, the visuals presented or the music that accompany them. Since having my kids, I have ventured into photography, taking pictures of our life events, our friends' families, and our kids. Lots and lots of our kids (just ask them!). Many technical aspects I learned in the video world have crossed over into photography, and I now use these still images to tell the story of a family, an event, a moment. Every person has a story, and the images we capture are a way to share those stories in a beautiful way.


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